Sometimes, it’s really not worth reinventing a perfectly round wheel. What I’m trying to say is, there are some great math print resources I run to on a regular basis when I need a little something extra for my students. With iPads, I am able to provide PDF files for students to annotate, so no trees need to be involved in the process (DocAS is my favorite annotating app to date).
1. Kuta Software algebra freebies acknowledge a precious commodity that most textbook companies fail to deliver, and that is… proper work space for students! Answer keys are handy too, though that is all they provide – answers – no steps. Good enough for me, and good enough for students too! I don’t mind giving students the answers for homework that’s designed for practice. Answers give them a target to aim for, and a self-check to know whether they’re on the right track (assuming the key is accurate, of course). These Pre-Algebra sheets are nice too. See the site for free Geometry, Algebra 2 and Calculus resources.
2. Tutor-Usa also understands the need to provide students with work space, and answer keys that are (mostly) accurate. I favor Kuta, but this is a close second. The Kuta website is a lot easier to navigate.
3. Problem-Attic is a database filled with released test questions that can be customized for students quite nicely! Great for warm-ups, quizzes, cooperative group discussions… this is very a versatile resource!
4. Common Core Sheets organizes resources by topic, and provides gobs of practice for students. Answer keys are also included. Earlier this week, my students worked together and annotated PDFs using their iPads for line plots and Venn diagrams from this site. It’s nice to pick and choose several different topics, then create a custom order to the pages using Preview. I even included the answer keys to the handouts at the end of the PDF file, but students didn’t notice until I brought it to their attention. I love the groans that occur after they realize the answers were just a swipe away the whole time. 😉
5. Worksheet Works provides math resources from the basics up through Pre-Algebra that can be nicely customized.
6. has some really nice resources for helping students get to know a TI-graphing calculator here.
7. It seems timely to mention the Teach Pi website. Too many great Pi Day resources to mention!
Here’s a Listly of these resources and others I like. I’ll continue to add to this list as I bump into more goodies:
And this little link is just for me, so I can quickly reference it! I just stumbled upon this website I created as project while working on my Master’s degree, and I misplaced it for awhile! If I post it here, I will easily find it again. Feel free to click around! Reminded me of how much fun Xtranormal can be… must dust off that quirky animation tool!