Monthly Archives: September 2013
Pre-Assessing, Reviewing AND Teaching Using Socrative
My mission is to get my Pre-Algebra 8th graders ready for Algebra 1 next year. I know that number theory concepts and vocabulary *need* to be mastered before things get too abstract. I also know that some topics (which have … Continue reading
Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra
Tagged assessment, formative, iPad, Pre-Algebra, review, Socrative
Using ThatQuiz Before “THE Quiz”
My 8th graders are reviewing the basics… which happen to serve as a very important foundation for the rest of the year. I sense some of them think they’ve got it all together. Operations with integers? Been there, done that. … Continue reading
Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra
Tagged assessment, formative, iPad, Pre-Algebra,, thinglink