Using the iPad to Test the Textbook: Snail Racing…?

Melb cup 07 041

The topic – direct variation

The application – snail speeds

An example from our text had us scratching our heads… not about the concept of direct variation, but rather… about how fast a snail can actually travel.  When we encountered this problem, and took a look at our square-foot floor tiles in the classroom, we wondered… was this direct variation accurate?  Was this a racing garden snail, by chance?  The speed seemed a little fast for a snail!

One student took it upon himself to start researching right away.  He opened up his iPad, went online, and found the following information regarding the speeds of snails.  No spoiler here – I am asking for student evidence on this one.



Was the text accurate?

Can you apply the mathematics we’ve already learned this year to support your case? 😉


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5 Responses to Using the iPad to Test the Textbook: Snail Racing…?

  1. Pingback: Using the iPad to Test the Textbook: Snail Racing…? | mathycathy's blog | 21st century learning and education |

  2. Pingback: Using the iPad to Test the Textbook: Snail Racing…? | mathycathy's blog | iPad learning |

  3. Pingback: Using the iPad to Test the Textbook: Snail Racing…? | mathycathy's blog | iPad Lessons |

  4. Pingback: Using the iPad to Test the Textbook: Snail Racing…? | mathycathy's blog | iPad Adoption |

  5. Cathy Yenca says:

    Ahh… we were ahead of our time in good old November, 2012. Who knew Turbo would come out during the summer of 2013? What a neat extension!

    And an extension to the extension, compliments of Twitter, and a Storify by Julie Reulbach!

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