Author Archives: Cathy Yenca

Life Updates & ThatQuiz Updates

👋 Howdy! Long time no blog, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been trucking along, loving the teaching and traveling life. Post-Covid, I feel like I’ve learned how to maintain a little more balance in my life, establishing healthier work/life … Continue reading

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Greetings! Though blogging as a means to reflect and share seems to have died, I like to pass through these parts every now and again and share something potentially useful and timely! Perhaps you’ve already met your new crew of … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1 | 1 Comment

STAAR + Desmos = Spring 2022!

It’s been (at least) 7 years in the making! Next month, when students across Texas take an online state STAAR test, they will also {for the first time ever} see an *embedded* Desmos graphing calculator option in addition to a … Continue reading

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Template Ideas for Review and Self-Reflection

*taps the mic* Is this thing on? Check one… two… three… *dusts off blog for a biannual post* I hope that 2021 is ending for y’all much BETTER than it started. Though things are more “normal” here in ATX than … Continue reading

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Sharing My Learning Curve

Psssst… it’s me… you know… the math teacher that writes a post, say… twice a year anymore? And IT HAS BEEN A YEAR. Grateful to be on THIS SIDE of it with you! *WHEW* In my last two not-so-recent posts, … Continue reading

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A Fork is not a Spoon

In my last post, I shared briefly about workflow and tools during our continued COVID-teaching time. This. Is. Hard. Teachers across our nation and globe are finding themselves teaching under varieties of circumstances with challenges that test our every limit. … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1 | 1 Comment

Reflect and Share: Workflow

Why do I blog? Simply stated, I blog to both reflect and to share. However, in recent days, weeks, months… heck, we’re almost to the point where I can say for a whole YEAR it has been tough to just … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1 | 4 Comments

First Quarter SY 20-21

Whelp, would you believe we’ve made it through the first quarter of this (don’t say it… don’t say it…) UNPRECEDENTED school year. For me, the year started with three weeks of 100% virtual learning. All teachers and all students learned … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1 | 1 Comment

Back-to-School From Home

The summer of 2020 felt sort of like “the summer that wasn’t”. We didn’t do any of our usual traveling or visiting family. The days sort of ran together much of the time, with the exception of watching the news … Continue reading

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Bringing SY 2019-2020 to a Close: Reflections… and Desmos

Several weeks back, I packed up my classroom. Frozen in time, everything was set up and ready to go for teaching on Monday, March 23, post-spring-break… that day had LOOOONG come and gone, though my classroom was ready to propel … Continue reading

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