Tag Archives: iPad

Break the Chains and Get More Mobile!

We all do *things* in our classrooms that are simply *normal* to us as teachers… it’s what we do every day… effective routines and strategies that we do because that’s what we do. Some of these seemingly *normal* things, when … Continue reading

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Desmos Pet House: A Linear {and Not-So-Linear} Project

It all started with this tweet, and the rest is mash-up #MTBoS history.  Thanks to all who shared and shaped the final draft of this project! Hey #MTBoS #iteachmath There are so many amazing examples of @desmos graphing projects floating … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

#ISTE17 Reflections Post 2 (of 3)

My #ISTE17 Post 1  focused on ways to thoughtfully and purposefully let go of classroom control to foster a growth mindset, while also providing students with brain breaks.  Up next… 2. Giving students choices!  3. Having students create, create, create! We … Continue reading

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#ISTE17 Reflections, Celebrations, and Healthy Kicks-in-the-Pants: Post 1

NOTE: This post will inevitably turn into a paperback if I don’t “chunk” it, so this is post 1 of 3… I think… 🙂 This was my second ISTE Conference, and I’m so glad I had the opportunity to connect … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

iPadpalooza 2017: Learning on the Go!

Year 6 of iPadpalooza in Eanes ISD is a wrap!  And… it’s true, the countdown is finished, as this year marked our final “iPadpalooza Learning Festival” in Austin… Thankfully, folks traveled far and wide to join us this year!  I … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Using Desmos on iPads… for the Math 8 STAAR Test… Take 3

This past week, we completed our third lap of using the iPad app “Desmos Test Mode” on the Math 8 STAAR test (with the option of also using a TI handheld graphing calculator).  If you’d like to see what we’ve … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Nearpod “Best Practices” For Math Class v2.0

Folks often ask questions about how various apps and tools can be used “for math”.  I’ve always felt that, to some extent, math as a content area can be a tricky fit for apps, tools, strategies, P.D. etc. etc. when … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

MAD Fun: “The Sum Game”

About a year ago, Nathan Kraft blogged about a collaborative lesson design and experience to help students understand (and WANT to understand) the concept of mean absolute deviation.  This standard was added to 8th grade curriculum here in Texas three … Continue reading

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Nearpod iOS –> Draw –> Photo –> Homework Check!

It’s true, I’ve probably mentioned this strategy idea 59 times before this post, and some may tire of hearing about it.  But I just. can’t. overstate. how much I love using it, several times a week even.  It’s just that … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , | 5 Comments

My Favorites #MTBoS #MtbosBlogsplosion

Happy New Year! This post is already late – whoops!  However, I can’t pass up an opportunity to share about a few of “My Favorites”.  If you haven’t heard, there’s a BlogSPLOSION happening in the Math-Twitter-Blog-O-Sphere (MTBoS) community, and you … Continue reading

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