Monthly Archives: December 2015

Exponential Growth, Similarity and a Partridge…

The last class or two before Christmas break is a precious time.  Students have finished all of their dreaded exams, and they come to class asking, “Are we going to *DO* anything today?!?” My answer is usually along the lines … Continue reading

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How do you make student thinking visible?

Want to know what your students are thinking?  How do you get that thinking out of their heads in a format that you, as their teacher, can view, analyze, and use for instructional decision-making?  Do you keep this “visible thinking” … Continue reading

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Book Creator, Take 3!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!  As the semester winds up (exams!) and then winds down (winter break!) it’s become a good time to give my students some creative opportunities to reflect on what they’ve learned throughout the year. … Continue reading

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