Tag Archives: formative
Play Kahoot! and Downplay the Time Factor
Lisa Bejarano and her apprentice teacher Eric recently shared insight on work-arounds while students play Kahoot! for math. I loved reading these ideas, as those of us who have used Kahoot! in math class may have experienced the following: Students … Continue reading
Using Socrative for… You Guessed it… Socratic Questioning
My Math 8 students have discovered and applied the Pythagorean Theorem. Our next move this week was to address the following standard: 8.7(D) Determine the distance between two points on a coordinate plane using the Pythagorean theorem. “The book”, being … Continue reading
Is It Parallel? Using Desmos Card Sorts to Extend Student Thinking
Several years ago, I attended an EdCamp ATX event here in Austin. One of the sessions featured formative assessment strategies, and a particular task struck me. I wish I remembered her name, and I wish I still had the resource … Continue reading
“5 Practices” in a 1:1 Classroom
While I’ve never fully implemented the “flipped classroom” idea with students, maybe I have done a few short-term “mini flips”. Many digital tools permit students to explore content at their own pace, and asynchronously, which can make “homework” an experience beyond handouts. … Continue reading
Desmos Activity “Labs” – Create Your Own Card Sort
Recently, I lived virtually and vicariously through all of the wonderful #MTBoS #TMC16 and #descon16 attendees. I have so. much. stuff. to sort through, between blog posts, Tweets, Periscopes, Google Docs, and more! One feature that prompted immediate action for … Continue reading
Teamwork and Communication Using Quizlet Live
My colleague Gary Raygor happened to post a photo online, showing his students having a blast in his classroom, working in teams, arms flailing with… joy or regret…I couldn’t quite tell. But what anyone could clearly see is that his … Continue reading
Guest Post – 3-Acts: Using Digital Tools to Give Every Student a Voice
Two things I’m passionate about when it comes to technology integration: Giving every student an opportunity (and frankly accountability) to weigh-in on mathematics we’re learning about and showcase their thinking… even if it’s incorrect at the start (we value those … Continue reading
How do you make student thinking visible?
Want to know what your students are thinking? How do you get that thinking out of their heads in a format that you, as their teacher, can view, analyze, and use for instructional decision-making? Do you keep this “visible thinking” … Continue reading
Match My Line: @Desmos #ActivityBuilder Style
My students “discovered” slope-intercept form in class last Friday through a paper-pencil graphing exploration that had just the right frustration level to get them talking, exploring, and revising until they “got it”. While we didn’t have a lot of time … Continue reading
So, your students are a little squirrelly lately too? 😉 For many of my students, all of the high-stakes testing has passed, and sadly that fact brings daily comments like the following: “Can we just not do anything today?” “Are … Continue reading