Tag Archives: Animator Free

Animator Free App Helps Students Understand Exponents

Every year, there is a concept with exponents that students just “don’t get” the first time around.  Namely, the difference between expressions like (-2)^4 and -2^4 mystifies them.  Some “don’t get” it the second or third time around.  Throw variable … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

My First Flipbook with Animator Free

I have noticed several trends in my app-usage: 1)  Most of the apps I use are not content-specific to mathematics. 2) Most of the apps I use are because techchef4u Lisa Johnson introduced them to me. The Animator Free app … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments