Monthly Archives: January 2017

“We All Fall Down” #MTBoS #MTBoSblogsplosion Week 4

I had the great privilege of attending the #CTCTM Spring Conference last weekend.  In my keynote address, I shared about how two things that bring me great joy (and challenges) collided right there in Waco… the endless list of home … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , , | 7 Comments

Teaching ^(Adolescent Humans) Mathematics #MTBoS #MtbosBlogsplosion

This week’s #MTBoS #MTBoSblogsplosion theme is “soft skills”.  In a middle school mathematics classroom, I’d dare to say this topic is *almost* as important as the math content itself. The late Rita Pierson seals this truth in a simple sentence: Ramblings … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged | 2 Comments

My Favorites #MTBoS #MtbosBlogsplosion

Happy New Year! This post is already late – whoops!  However, I can’t pass up an opportunity to share about a few of “My Favorites”.  If you haven’t heard, there’s a BlogSPLOSION happening in the Math-Twitter-Blog-O-Sphere (MTBoS) community, and you … Continue reading

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