Tag Archives: Twitter

Summer 2018 Plans & Goals

Since today’s the Summer Solstice, I hope you’re officially enjoying your break.  I won’t rub it in that our students’ last day of school annually is prior to Memorial Day.  Whether you’re just getting used to that alarm clock NOT … Continue reading

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First Day Plans: Mine *DO* Include Smiling

When Nancy tweeted her “first-day first-year big tweet“, I felt a tug at my heart for 2 reasons: Big tweet! https://t.co/U00rgMY96k — Dan Meyer (@ddmeyer) August 5, 2017 Any tips for first day of first year of teaching?!?!? #MTboS — … Continue reading

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#ISTE17 Reflections, Celebrations, and Healthy Kicks-in-the-Pants: Post 1

NOTE: This post will inevitably turn into a paperback if I don’t “chunk” it, so this is post 1 of 3… I think… 🙂 This was my second ISTE Conference, and I’m so glad I had the opportunity to connect … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Wrapping Up Another Year and the Impact of #MTBoS “Celebrities”

The funny thing about teaching kids is that, every year, they show up, still 12-14 years old. It’s easy to forget that, while they show up the SAME age each year, I am indeed an entire year older than I … Continue reading

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Highlights from #NCTMannual San Antonio

Glancing through the NCTM Annual program, I could almost feel my arms and legs being pulled in no less than 4 directions for any given session timeframe.  Respected colleagues in our community shared their expertise and I’m thankful to have … Continue reading

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My Favorites #MTBoS #MtbosBlogsplosion

Happy New Year! This post is already late – whoops!  However, I can’t pass up an opportunity to share about a few of “My Favorites”.  If you haven’t heard, there’s a BlogSPLOSION happening in the Math-Twitter-Blog-O-Sphere (MTBoS) community, and you … Continue reading

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Righteous Anger and Activity Builder: Before-and-After

These days, it’s only natural for teachers to do a web search for an upcoming teaching topic to see if someone out there has already invented that wheel. Many times, that web search results in a wonderful or almost-there resource … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Classroom & Twitter Hodge-Podge

What’s happening? Here are some things I’ve been working on and learning from the #MTBoS and other Twitter Tweeps.  Maybe you can use some of these resources, or perhaps they’ll spark a new idea. 1. Concept of “Playlists” for Differentiation … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Ringing in the New Year – Growth and Grit

For the past week-and-a-half, our district has been preparing for the arrival of a new crew of students, and we’re excited!  In-service trainings have focused on themes of innovation, grit, growth mindset and having a “GVC” (Guaranteed Viable Curriculum).  You … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Desmos Activity “Labs” – Create Your Own Card Sort

Recently, I lived virtually and vicariously through all of the wonderful #MTBoS #TMC16 and #descon16 attendees.  I have so. much. stuff. to sort through, between blog posts, Tweets, Periscopes, Google Docs, and more!  One feature that prompted immediate action for … Continue reading

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