Tag Archives: communication
An Integer Game
I first experienced some form of this activity with the amazing Dennis Ebersole in a workshop years ago. When we played the game, if memory serves me, the goal was to provide a motivating way for students to practice integer … Continue reading
Play Kahoot! and Downplay the Time Factor
Lisa Bejarano and her apprentice teacher Eric recently shared insight on work-arounds while students play Kahoot! for math. I loved reading these ideas, as those of us who have used Kahoot! in math class may have experienced the following: Students … Continue reading
Precise Language and “The Baby”
My Math 8 students have been exploring linear functions. These kiddos learn about rate of change and initial value in contexts where slope-intercept form reigns, leaving other linear forms to be emphasized later in Algebra 1. We’ve also landed planes … Continue reading
Is It Parallel? Using Desmos Card Sorts to Extend Student Thinking
Several years ago, I attended an EdCamp ATX event here in Austin. One of the sessions featured formative assessment strategies, and a particular task struck me. I wish I remembered her name, and I wish I still had the resource … Continue reading
First Day Plans: Mine *DO* Include Smiling
When Nancy tweeted her “first-day first-year big tweet“, I felt a tug at my heart for 2 reasons: Big tweet! https://t.co/U00rgMY96k — Dan Meyer (@ddmeyer) August 5, 2017 Any tips for first day of first year of teaching?!?!? #MTboS — … Continue reading
Teachable Moments
Five minutes before the end of class yesterday, a student made an interesting claim while everyone was working on something else. She said, “Did you know that by the time you’re 90 years old, you will have been asleep for 9 whole … Continue reading
My Favorites #MTBoS #MtbosBlogsplosion
Happy New Year! This post is already late – whoops! However, I can’t pass up an opportunity to share about a few of “My Favorites”. If you haven’t heard, there’s a BlogSPLOSION happening in the Math-Twitter-Blog-O-Sphere (MTBoS) community, and you … Continue reading
How Old?
The other evening, I was sitting with my husband and son at a candlelight Christmas service, singing carols and feeling merry. One of the carols mentioned “shepherds” and right on cue, my 11-year-old son leans over and whispers… “There are … Continue reading
In The Moment
The SAMR Model is a fundamental framework often used to help educators consider how and why to integrate technology. Teachers are encouraged to aim “above the line” to provide students with potentially transformative experiences, rather than simply enhancing tasks with technology. … Continue reading
Desmos by Day, Nearpod by Night
I’ve been having a lot of fun using Nearpod “student-paced” lessons as homework assignments. Generally, I assign a NPP HW to pre-assess. The Nearpod Report on the teacher side of things reveals all sorts of interesting student thinking. Reports permit … Continue reading