Monthly Archives: February 2014
Why Blog? Then vs. Now
Inspired by this post by Dan Meyer, an abrupt question from a colleague, and the fact that the ticker at the bottom of this page surpassed 1,000,000 earlier this week, the question of “why blog?” is a timely one. Yes, … Continue reading
Weird Stuff Kids Think
My Algebra students completed a cooperative quadratic QR-code walk-about type task the other day. They could work with a partner, use a graphing calculator, Desmos, the HMH Fuse app, their homework, notes… everything. They scanned various QR-codes, which revealed practice … Continue reading
ThingLink as Collaborative Work Space
I saw this ThingLink and was immediately inspired to give the strategy a try. Why not create a ThingLink to serve as a “collaborative plane” for my students? I jazzed up a “Unit Organizer” from the “Strategic Instruction Model” with some … Continue reading
I may or may not know the math teacher in this video, featured by Querium in their first-ever Tweet… Querium Corporation Launches TSI Math Prep for the New Texas College Placement Assessment — QueriumCorp (@QueriumCorp) February 5, 2014