Tag Archives: QR code

Twitter Hodge-Podge

Lately, busy days lead to spits and spurts of reflection and PD rather than lengthy blog posts.  I love this time of year – I feel like my students and I know each other well, and expectations are clear all … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

Weird Stuff Kids Think

My Algebra students completed a cooperative quadratic QR-code walk-about type task the other day.  They could work with a partner, use a graphing calculator, Desmos, the HMH Fuse app, their homework, notes… everything.  They scanned various QR-codes, which revealed practice … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1 | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Exponents & Error Analysis

There aren’t many strategies that tell me more about student thinking than “error analysis” opportunities.  When students “grade” another hypothetical student’s work, there’s something special about the experience – students’ senses are heightened.  They’re on a quest for truth.  They … Continue reading

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Defending “The Worksheet”

In this era, “the worksheet” has gotten a pretty bad rap.  The seemingly popular push to go “paperless” doesn’t help the cause.  Are worksheets and paper inherently evil in the 21st-century classroom? In the ed-tech realm, I sense a little … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Giving graphingstories.com a Go!

Living vicariously through my student teacher, Lauren, we came upon the “Interpreting Graphs” lesson in Algebra, and I suggested that she give graphingstories.com a go. Today, each class period had a brief discussion about the general usefulness of graphs, and … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

QR-Codes and Classroom Prizes – Fun, Novel, and Free!

A wacky schedule is looming, and not every class will meet this Wednesday.  My clever student-teacher, Lauren, has decided to use the class periods we *will* meet with to design a little extra practice a-la Bingo games. Today over lunch, … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

August Rush! Apps & More

No no… not the tear-jerker movie!  For me “August Rush” is something that begins happening in my brain, truthfully in July, as the new school year quickly approaches.  It’s that feeling that my brain never turns off.  I’m not a … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Chipotle and The Counting Principle

Several weeks back, I had the pleasure of eating at Chipotle and consuming every bite of my usual chicken burrito with white rice, black beans, fresh tomato salsa, and “a little bit of cheese and sour cream”… and then I … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

QR Fun – After-School Project With My Son!

1) Created a QR code linking to a text message using QR Stuff. 2) Printed the code and determined the scale – how many Lego units did we need? 3) Built the QR code such that the code was a … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Pretty Pythagorean QR Code Thanks to Unitag

I have been using QR codes quite a bit in my math classes.  I like to use them primarily as a “refresh button” strategy to get all of those brains out of the middle-of-the-lesson muck.  Using QR codes refreshes brains … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , , , | 5 Comments