Tag Archives: blog

#NCTMregionals #MTBoS Nashville

My brain is still on overload from the NCTM Regional Conference in Nashville.  I can’t count how many times I engaged with Twitter/blogger faces in 3D whom I’ve respected virtually since I learned about this Twitter/blog thang.  What a thrill to … Continue reading

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What is a “Math Coach”?

From 2008-2011, I served as a “math coach” in Pennsylvania.  The position was grant-funded, and there were no guarantees (or expectations, frankly) that the position would last beyond the first year.  The timing was perfect – I had been at … Continue reading

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It’s been fun getting to (virtually) know more and more math Tweeps in the #MTBoS.  One such bud, Jon Orr, tagged me to compose a #10GoodThings post to reflect on “good things” that are happening with my little corner of the … Continue reading

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Chief ThingLinker Stepping Down

That’s right.  I’m finally ready to step down from my ThingLink throne and pass the torch. Or something.  What I’m trying to say is… I’ve been doing this iPad thing for a bit.  *I* create the Nearpods… *I* create the … Continue reading

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Why Blog? Then vs. Now

Inspired by this post by Dan Meyer, an abrupt question from a colleague, and the fact that the ticker at the bottom of this page surpassed 1,000,000 earlier this week, the question of “why blog?” is a timely one. Yes, … Continue reading

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2013 Edublog Awards

There are amazing folks sharing about the wonderful things they’re doing through reflections and resources on blogs.  Getting globally connected and inspired has never been simpler.  If you’re not blogging… you should be!  🙂 Please take a moment and scan … Continue reading

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Sunshine Award

I’m honored to have been nominated for a Sunshine Award by Drew Frank – it’s great to connect with Drew via Twitter, and you’ll see from his blog that getting connected and using social media for learning are themes.  Check … Continue reading

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Thank You Edutech for Teachers!

Thank you to Jamie Forshey for inviting me to be a guest blogger on her blog,  Edutech for Teachers!  Check out Jamie’s blog for lots of classroom techie tips! Also worth mentioning is Jamie is located in Central Pennsylvania!   My … Continue reading

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