Tag Archives: iPadpalooza
Summer 2018 Plans & Goals
Since today’s the Summer Solstice, I hope you’re officially enjoying your break. I won’t rub it in that our students’ last day of school annually is prior to Memorial Day. Whether you’re just getting used to that alarm clock NOT … Continue reading
iPadpalooza 2017: Learning on the Go!
Year 6 of iPadpalooza in Eanes ISD is a wrap! And… it’s true, the countdown is finished, as this year marked our final “iPadpalooza Learning Festival” in Austin… Thankfully, folks traveled far and wide to join us this year! I … Continue reading
#iplza15 and #ISTE2015 Brain Dump
I had the opportunity to attend and present sessions at both iPadpalooza 2015 in Austin as well as ISTE 2015 in Philadelphia the past two weeks. What a thrill to be able to meet and connect with so many passionate … Continue reading
Some Top 4’s – Another “Reflecting on 2014” Post
‘Tis the season for reflection and hopefully a bit of relaxation. I’ve taken a break from math and ed-tech the past few weeks to spend QT with family (some days I took a break from just about everything… darn you, … Continue reading
iPadpalooza 2014 Highlights #iplza14
This year’s iPadpalooza “festival of learning” was a real treat. How can anyone summarize in a blog post what it was like to be there? Thankfully, we have #iplza14 on Twitter to help us all reminisce, and to help you … Continue reading
iPadpalooza ’13 Run-Down
As tech-enthusiasts have moved on to #ISTE13 in San Antonio, I’m taking a moment to reflect on #iplza13… that’s right, iPadpalooza 2013! I can’t describe the pride I felt being a small part of this big “festival of learning” in … Continue reading
iPadpalooza iYear in Review “Nuggets”
Thanks for stopping by! On Tuesday, June 18, I presented my iYear in Review at iPadpalooza and included links and other “nuggets” throughout my talk. Here is your one-stop-shop to access these resources. Enjoy! Resources: Dr. Puentedura’s SAMR Model: http://www.hippasus.com/rrpweblog/archives/2011/10/28/SAMR_TPCK_In_Action.pdf … Continue reading