Category Archives: Pre-Algebra
ADE Academy #ADE2017 – Unforgettable!
This was my first opportunity to attend an Apple Distinguished Educator Academy that welcomed in a new class of ADEs. I’ve been looking forward to returning as an alumna while having the chance to welcome a new crew, and I’m … Continue reading
#ISTE17 Reflections: Post 3 (of 3)
I hope your summer has been as equally rich and relaxing as mine has been thus far! I’m still working on striking the balance between presenting and meeting folks at professional conferences, traveling for pleasure, spending time with family and … Continue reading
#ISTE17 Reflections Post 2 (of 3)
My #ISTE17 Post 1 focused on ways to thoughtfully and purposefully let go of classroom control to foster a growth mindset, while also providing students with brain breaks. Up next… 2. Giving students choices! 3. Having students create, create, create! We … Continue reading
#ISTE17 Reflections, Celebrations, and Healthy Kicks-in-the-Pants: Post 1
NOTE: This post will inevitably turn into a paperback if I don’t “chunk” it, so this is post 1 of 3… I think… 🙂 This was my second ISTE Conference, and I’m so glad I had the opportunity to connect … Continue reading
iPadpalooza 2017: Learning on the Go!
Year 6 of iPadpalooza in Eanes ISD is a wrap! And… it’s true, the countdown is finished, as this year marked our final “iPadpalooza Learning Festival” in Austin… Thankfully, folks traveled far and wide to join us this year! I … Continue reading
Wrapping Up Another Year and the Impact of #MTBoS “Celebrities”
The funny thing about teaching kids is that, every year, they show up, still 12-14 years old. It’s easy to forget that, while they show up the SAME age each year, I am indeed an entire year older than I … Continue reading
Using Desmos on iPads… for the Algebra 1 EOC STAAR Test… Take 2
This week, our Algebra 1 students took their STAAR End-of-Course exam. This round marks year 2 of Algebra 1 students being permitted to use both a TI handheld graphing calculator and the Desmos Test Mode iPad app in light of … Continue reading
Using Desmos Polygraph to Establish “Intellectual Need”
Have you seen Dan Meyer’s fun little “Pick a Point” geometry task? If not, watch this before reading on. Today, AFTER I’d already introduced polynomial vocabulary (not the most interesting topic) I had students play Desmos “Polygraph” with tasks created … Continue reading
Teachable Moments
Five minutes before the end of class yesterday, a student made an interesting claim while everyone was working on something else. She said, “Did you know that by the time you’re 90 years old, you will have been asleep for 9 whole … Continue reading
Highlights from #NCTMannual San Antonio
Glancing through the NCTM Annual program, I could almost feel my arms and legs being pulled in no less than 4 directions for any given session timeframe. Respected colleagues in our community shared their expertise and I’m thankful to have … Continue reading