Tag Archives: iMovie

Transformations and “Animations”

Several weeks back, Kyle Pearce posted this idea on Twitter: Trying the idea of “Quick Question Solution” videos as a resource for students. Long videos don’t work. Thoughts? http://t.co/A8Nx4cfIjc — Kyle Pearce (@MathletePearce) January 16, 2015   Funny.  I’d been … Continue reading

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The last day of classes before Thanksgiving break, I set up my iPhone in an attempt to record some time-lapse footage in each of my classes.  Since middle-schoolers can smell a camera a mile away, there was nothing secretive about … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

What to do with only one iPad…?

My mathy friend Eric Milou recently asked me to help a middle school math teacher he knew because she only has access to one iPad in her classroom and isn’t sure how to best use it.  Additionally, she has access … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Book Creator and Advocacy: A Summer eBook Project About Food Allergies

I’m going to prominently wear my “mom hat” for this post. My son has severe food allergies.  In a day and age where this is more prevalent than ever (unfortunately) I’ve found the best way to protect those who have … Continue reading

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S’more Time! Who is in the Driver’s Seat? #NCSM14

Three of my colleagues and I had the pleasure of presenting at the #NCSM14 conference in New Orleans this week.  Our chat was during the last session timeframe… on the last day of NCSM… and our talk was alphabetically last … Continue reading

Posted in Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Math PSAs: A Mental Break from Testing

After 4 hours of testing, I decided to provide my afternoon math classes with an opportunity to decompress.  Our mental brain-break took a detour from the scope-and-sequence toward an impromptu mini-project:  Creating a “Math PSA”. I suggested several topics to … Continue reading

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Move Over Harlem Shake… It’s Quadratic Formula Time

I love teaching mathematics, but I have to tell you… teachers of other subjects seem to be able to use iPads to make a lot more “fun” and “creative” projects than I have ventured to try for Algebra and Pre-Algebra … Continue reading

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