Tag Archives: annotate
Righteous Anger and Activity Builder: Before-and-After
These days, it’s only natural for teachers to do a web search for an upcoming teaching topic to see if someone out there has already invented that wheel. Many times, that web search results in a wonderful or almost-there resource … Continue reading
“5 Practices” in a 1:1 Classroom
While I’ve never fully implemented the “flipped classroom” idea with students, maybe I have done a few short-term “mini flips”. Many digital tools permit students to explore content at their own pace, and asynchronously, which can make “homework” an experience beyond handouts. … Continue reading
What to do with only one iPad…?
My mathy friend Eric Milou recently asked me to help a middle school math teacher he knew because she only has access to one iPad in her classroom and isn’t sure how to best use it. Additionally, she has access … Continue reading
ThingLink Mobile – New Ways to Explain Student Work!
I read on Twitter that ThingLink had released a mobile app, so I wanted to give it a try. If you know me, you know ThingLink has become my very favorite “pre-teaching” tool this year. Once I downloaded the app … Continue reading
Just Because You CAN Annotate It, Doesn’t Mean You Should
This annotating message is one I have heard loudly and clearly from my math students this year. The 2012-2013 school year has been our first year with 1:1 iPads. As a matter of fact, as of this past week, every … Continue reading
5 Ways to Get Your Feet Wet With 1-to-1 iPads
Using iPads in a 1-to-1 classroom can be overwhelming at first. So many apps and tools exist that it’s tough to know where to start. Here’s a top 5 list of quick and simple ways to get your feet wet … Continue reading
Math Links I Like
Sometimes, it’s really not worth reinventing a perfectly round wheel. What I’m trying to say is, there are some great math print resources I run to on a regular basis when I need a little something extra for my students. … Continue reading
Simple But Good: Use a Keynote Slide To Annotate and “Zoom”!
Some days, simple is good. Today was one of those days. My pre-algebra students have been learning about perfect squares and square roots. After a quick perfect squares quiz today, I had a partial class period left to do a … Continue reading
Pretty Pythagorean QR Code Thanks to Unitag
I have been using QR codes quite a bit in my math classes. I like to use them primarily as a “refresh button” strategy to get all of those brains out of the middle-of-the-lesson muck. Using QR codes refreshes brains … Continue reading
Baby steps…
All of my students now have an iPad! Students received them last week, and what an ordeal it was! “Excited is an understatement” one of my students exclaimed as she sat in her desk, hugging her brand new, empty iPad … Continue reading